
Tips for Project Stories

» Explain the process for choosing structural steel framing. What made steel the structural system of choice for this project?
» Identify the greatest architectural, engineering, fabrication and erection challenges for the project. what were the solutions? How were they implemented?
» What was the most interesting thing about the project? What made it unique from a structural steel standpoint? This could range from a signature or first-of-its-kind assembly to an unusually tight job site to a particularly or unusually connection.
» Summarize the project schedule. how did the use of steel impact the schedule or improve the constructability of the project?
» Identify the major team players involved. Due to space constraints, MSC cannot list every consultant and subcontractor, but we typically include:
» Architect of record
» Structural engineer of record
» General contractor
» Steel fabricator, detailer and erector if they are AISC members
When supplying this information, please include city and state for each.
» Identify any unique products or equipment used on the project, including: fabrication equipment (brand, model); steel joists (supplier); metal deck (supplier); erection equipment (brand, model); and coatings.
» Discuss any of the following trends that were addressed in the project: fire protection engineering or the use of intumescent paints; design-build or collaboration/BIM; sustainable design; or blast design.
» What is the takeaway for the readers? What can they learn from your article?